Fort Worth Botanic Garden
Breif: Drive memberships during the hot summer months of Fort Worth, TX.
AD: Josh Rudisel
AD: Daniel Mejia Ochoa
CW: Kayla Callen
Audience Profile
Natalie is a 29-year-old mom of two who lives 7 miles from the Garden. With the heart of a philanthropist, she’s down to earth and values education and adventure equally. She's a stay-at-home mom who likes to visit new places with her kids, often accompanied by her friends and their little ones too. She especially enjoys taking a break from the hustle and bustle by exploring vibrant outside spaces with them. She appreciates that the kids can run and roam to their hearts' content while she takes a moment for herself. When she’s connecting with nature, she feels rejuvenated.
Concept Storyline
All timeless tales have their beginning and so does yours. You decide whichpath you’ll wander down. Around you are worlds you’re seeing for the very first time. There are fairies sprinkled into the bushes because you invite them there. Your child’s imagination is awakened in an instant along with yours. Just to your left, you observe a micro masquerade commencing in the dirt as small garden creatures swirl to formeye-catching patterns, an orchestration just for you. The koi fish swim up to say hello to your kids in a secret language only they understand. It’s a world of their making. Become a member so you and yours can have more stories to share.
Mood Board
This concept appeals to a mother's desire to create imaginative shared experiences with her children in a way they can look forward to – ultimately driving membership. I incorporated fun, organic, colorful illustrations and graphics to appeal to kids and moms alike. And finally, some fun photography and botanic illustrations to combine the experience of the gardens to the vivid imagination of a child. In my mind, the real strategy here is to convince both groups that this is a fun, shareable experience. The nag factor is real, folks!
Instagram Posts
Free Tactics
As a little bonus I designed this fun little map + field guide that folds into a hat as a part of a "secret" adventure club for kids. Note some fun trails I laid out for parents and kids to explore together in their Botanic adventure.
My objective with this tactic was to not only increase user experience, but to create a sense of loyalty with inclusion, and to encourage multiple visits for new experiences.
Final Deliverables
Unfortunately, client opted for another direction, but the results were still beautiful! Here are some of the deliverables I helped deliver and co-direct.
Botanic Photoshoot
AD: Josh Rudisel
Photo: Vy Tran